Excel add-in

The Octopart Excel Add-In enables you to access pricing and availability data from right within Microsoft Excel. Now you can pull part information for your BOM all at once without leaving your spreadsheet.

Download Add-In

Supported environments

The Octopart Add-In for Excel has been tested on:

  • Win8 32-bit / Excel 2010 32-bit
  • WinXP 32-bit / Excel 2010 32-bit
  • Win7 32-bit / Excel 2010 32-bit
  • Win7 32-bit / Excel 2013 32-bit
  • Win7 64-bit / Excel 2013 64-bit

The Add-In is not supported on Mac OSX.


The Octopart Add-In for Excel is currently free. At this time, we're looking at usage data and gathering feedback to evaluate its potential, so please send us any questions or feedback.

Getting started

  1. Download the Octopart Add-In v1.2.3 zip here.
  2. Extract all the files into a local directory (make sure they’re all in the same folder).
  3. In Excel, choose ‘File' > 'Options’ > ‘Add-Ins’, then press ‘Go’ to manage the ‘Excel Add-Ins’.
  4. Browse for the OctopartAddIn, make sure it's selected, and press ‘OK’.
  5. To use the worksheet functions, simply type “=OCTOPART….” and the list of functions will appear. Refer to Using Functions for documentation on how to use the functions.

Using functions

The following functions are available through the Add-In. You can also access the guide to each argument by clicking the Function Wizard after you’ve selected any function. Keep in mind that across most functions, the mpn_or_sku field is required; all other fields are optional.

The first function that you’ll need to use to activate the Add-In is:

  • ‘email’ refers to your email address. When you've entered it (e.g., =OCTOPART_SET_USER("example@example.com") the result will read: "Octopart Add-In is ready". Your email address is used to track your usage of the Add-In, but no charges will be incurred at this time (see Pricing)

From here on, the world is your oyster:
(click function name to see function arguments)

  • ‘mpn_or_sku’ is the search term. Search for components by manufacter and/or part number. Part number terms may contain wildcards (“*”) but must also contain at least three non-wildcard characters.
  • ‘manuf’ [optional] limits the search result to the specified manufacturer, if desired (default = no limitation)
  • ‘mpn_or_sku’ is the search term. Search for components by manufactur and/or part number. Part number terms may contain wildcards (“*”) but must also contain at least three non-wildcard characters.
  • ‘manuf’ [optional] limits the search result to the specified manufacturer, if desired (default = no limitation)
  • ‘mpn_or_sku’ is the search term. Search for components by manufacturer and/or part number. Part number terms may contain wildcards (“*”) but must also contain at least three non-wildcard characters.
  • ‘manuf’ [optional] limits the search result to the specified manufacturer, if desired (default = no limitation)
  • ‘qty’ [optional] searches for a particular quantity (default ‘1’)
  • ‘currency’ [optional] searches for a particular currency (default = ‘USD’)
  • ‘mpn_or_sku’ is the search term. Search for components by manufacturer and/or part number. Part number terms may contain wildcards (“*”) but must also contain at least three non-wildcard characters.
  • ‘manuf’ [optional] limits the search result to the specified manufacturer, if desired (default = no limitation)
  • ‘distributor’ [optional] specifies the distributor to search for (default = lowest price)
  • ‘qty’ [optional] searches for a particular quantity (default ‘1’)
  • ‘currency’ [optional] searches for a particular currency (default = ‘USD’)
  • ‘mpn_or_sku’ is the search term. Search for components by manufacturer and/or part number. Part number terms may contain wildcards (“*”) but must also contain at least three non-wildcard characters.
  • ‘manuf’ [optional] limits the search result to the specified manufacturer, if desired (default = no limitation)
  • ‘distributor’ [optional] specifies the distributor to search for (default = most available stock)
  • ‘qty’ [optional] searches for a particular quantity (default ‘1’)
  • ‘currency’ [optional] searches for a particular currency (default = ‘USD’)
  • ‘mpn_or_sku’ is the search term. Search for components by manufacturer and/or part number. Part number terms may contain wildcards (“*”) but must also contain at least three non-wildcard characters.
  • ‘manuf’ [optional] limits the search result to the specified manufacturer, if desired (default = no limitation)
  • ‘distributor’ [optional] specifies the distributor to search gor (default = first hit)
  • ‘mpn_or_sku’ is the search term. Search for components by manufacturer and/or part number. Part number terms may contain wildcards (“*”) but must also contain at least three non-wildcard characters.
  • ‘manuf’ [optional] limits the search result to the specifie manufacturer, if desired (default = no limitation)
  • ‘distributor’ [optional] specifies the distributor to search for (default = smallest minimum order quantity)
  • ‘qty’ [optional] searches for a particular quantity (default ‘1’)
  • ‘currency’ [optional] searches for a particular currency (default = ‘USD’)
  • ‘mpn_or_sku’ is the search term. Search for components by manufacturer and/or part number. Part number terms may contain wildcards (“*”) but must also contain at least three non-wildcard characters.
  • ‘manuf’ [optional] limits the search result to the specified manufacturer, if desired (default = no limitation)
  • ‘distributor’ [optional] specifies the distributor to search for (default = first hit)
  • ‘qty’ [optional] searches for a particular quantity (default ‘1’)
  • ‘currency’ [optional] searches for a particular currency (default = ‘USD’)
  • ‘mpn_or_sku’ is the search term. Search for components by manufacturer and/or part number. Part number terms may contain wildcards (“*”) but must also contain at least three non-wildcard characters.
  • ‘manuf’ [optional] limits the search result to the specified manufacturer, if desired (default = no limitation)
  • ‘distributor’ [optional] specifies the distributor to search for (default = shortest lead time)
  • ‘qty’ [optional] searches for a particular quantity (default ‘1’)
  • ‘currency’ [optional] searches for a particular currency (default = ‘USD’)
  • ‘mpn_or_sku’ is the search term. Search for components by manufacturer and/or part number. Part number terms may contain wildcards (“*”) but must also contain at least three non-wildcard characters.
  • ‘manuf’ [optional] limits the search result to the specified manufacturer, if desired (default = no limitation)
  • ‘distributor’ [optional] specifies the distributor to search for (default = smallest order multiple)
  • ‘qty’ [optional] searches for a particular quantity (default ‘1’)
  • ‘currency’ [optional] searches for a particular currency (default = ‘USD’)
  • ‘mpn_or_sku’ is the search term. Search for components by manufacturer and/or part number. Part number terms may contain wildcards (“*”) but must also contain at least three non-wildcard characters.
  • ‘manuf’ [optional] limits the search result to the specified manufacturer, if desired (default = no limitation)
  • ‘distributor’ [optional] specifies the distributor to search for (default = first hit)
  • No argument needed. This function simply returns the current version of the Add-In.
  • No argument needed at present. This function is a placeholder for future configurable options.

For results that come in a URL format (e.g., for "=octopart_detail_url" or"=octopart_distributor_url", click the "Format Hyperlinks" button to activate the links:

Uploading BOMs to Octopart

If you’d like to save your BOM on Octopart, click the “Upload BOM” button (make sure you’re online).

This will open a browser where you’ll be prompted to select columns which map to fields in your BOM.

Click “I’m Done” and you’ll now see your online BOM on Octopart.

Name your BOM and save it to your BOMs. Now you’ll be able to access your BOM online whenever and wherever you like from your BOM Tool. For more information about our BOM Tool, try it out here or check out our video.

We want to hear from you! Send us an email with feedback or questions (contact@octopart.com).